Lian van Berkel was born in The Netherlands in 1986. From the moment she was able to read and write, she has done both these things passionately. She loved nothing better at school than the opportunity to write stories. She wrote her first picture books around age eight (fan fiction of the Care Bears) and her first novel at age twelve (a horror story about a teacher who mutilated his pupils with a chainsaw; co-authored with her best friend, Joyce).

After her A-levels, Lian went on to university to study English language and culture, as well as linguistics. She obtained a master’s degree in both and a PhD in linguistics. She has also worked as a teacher and postdoctoral researcher at two universities.

Lian is currently on disability, due to having ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis). She still tries to write, paint, crochet, and draw as much as she can, and she loves to visit the library when she has the energy to do so.